graphic design and illustration



peredelkino walking routes

interactive installation
peredelkino house of creativity
september 2021

Dasha Vinokurova

Pavel Samsonov

creative director
Daria Beglova

переделкино — легендарный городок писателей, который появился рядом с москвой в 30-х годах прошлого столетия. здесь жили и работали выдающиеся литераторы ХХ века. тысячи людей посещают ежегодно дома-музеи бориса пастернака, корнея чуковского, булата окуджавы, галерею евгения евтушенко.

one of the highlights of peredelkino once was the house of the creativity of writers. after its construction in 1955 it belonged to the literary fund, and after the collapse of the soviet union the building fell into decay. in august 2020 the club building was reconstructed and reopened for the first time. nowdays literary meeings, concerts, workshops and readings take place in the house of creativity. in he summer if 2021 the permanent residency program launched

for the house of creativity’s sunlit foyet I designed a display with six detachable maps of the walking routes through peredelkino and the neighborhood. the display contains a general map of peredelkino with all routes displayed. all portable maps are assembled in replaceable blocks so that each visitor can “construct” his own walk along the writer’s village and keep it as a souvenir

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